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Applying for a Z Visa & a Foreign Expert Certificate

Applying for Z Visa


办理外籍专家工作签证(Z Visa)的程序及相关事项说明


办理工作签证申请流程及时间表 (Time table and procedure of applying a Z visa)




外国人来华工作许可 Work Permit



工作签证 Z Visa



外国专家证(文教类)Foreign Expert Certificate



居留许可 Residence Permit







2. 申请报告(说明基本情况、聘请原因、职务、期限等,加盖单位公章);

3. 中英文简历(包括学历、工作经历,精确到年、月),工作经历必须从毕业后填写,尽量不要中断,表格下载请见附件。

4. 最高学位证书复印件和取得学位证书后两年以上相关工作经验证明原件(外文材料需本市翻译公司翻译);

5. .本人/配偶经中国驻外使、领馆认证的外国卫生医疗机构或由北京国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的健康证明复印件(包括胸透,心电图以及艾滋病,梅毒及乙肝检查报告)。(2014年10月31日起,均需提交体检证明复印件,如提供本人/配偶入境后进行体检申请的,将不予受理),表格下载请见附件;

6. 无犯罪证明原件;(无犯罪证明应由居住地的公安机关或司法机关出具,或提供由中国驻外使领馆认证的无犯罪证明),如外文材料需本市专业翻译公司翻译,并加盖公司公章;

7. 中英文版聘用协议或劳动合同原件和复印件(原件须经由主管校领导签字,加盖校公章,注明聘用时间及薪水),表格下载请见附件。

8. 本人/家属有效护照复印件;

9. 护照中合法工作签证页的复印件;

10. 如有家属需提供亲属关系证明;

11. 部门经办人须出示单位介绍信、工作证明和身份证复印件;

12. 英语外籍教师,应当持有所在国颁发的教师资格证书;从事语言类教学的,如未持有所在国颁发的教师资格证书,应当取得国际通行的语言教学资格证书。(语言教学资格证书要达到120学时);

13. 注明申请工作签证的城市


Materials for applying a work permit:

1. APPLICATION FORM FOR FOREIGN EXPERTS WORKING PERMIT CERTIFICATE with the official stamp of International Affairs office (IAO) of UCAS, Recent soft copy and 6 two inches hard copies of passport sized photos against white or light blue background.

2. Recommendation letter from IAO of UCAS including the following information:

Name, job title, term of contract and the official seal of IAO of UCAS.

3. Resumes (including study and working experiences with accurate year and month, the working experiences information has to be a continuous one since graduation from University.) in Chinese and English.

4. Copies of highest-degree diploma and the original copy of proof of 2 years' working experience.

5. Copy of Physical Exam Record with laboratory test report issued by the hospitals appointed or certified by Chinese Embassy or Consulates or Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center.  

6. Original copy of Non-Criminal Record Certificate issued by the relevant Justice department with a translation copy given by a professional translation company.

7. Contract with UCAS indicating the term of the contract and salary information.

8. Copy of ID page of the passport.

9. Copy of Z visa and residence permit in China in case.

10. Certificate of Kindred in case.

11. The responsible person has to provide the recommendation letter from IAO of UCAS, Campus card copy and ID card copy.

12. Copies of professional certificate. (English Instructors will have at least 2 years teaching or relative full time working experiences, and English teaching certificate with at least 120 training hours, for example, EFL, ESL, TESOL, TOEFL)

13. The place for applying Z visa



北京市外专中心单位地址:永定门西街5号邮政编码:100050 联系人:杨老师电话号码:63167708 传真号码:电子邮件



所需文件模板:申请报告模板,中文简历模板, 英文简历模板,中文聘用合同,英文聘用合同, 外国人来华体检表。






1.         中科院授权的被授权官方邀请函 。



2.       外国专家来华工作许可 (保存复印件,供申请外籍专家证时使用)

3.  中国科学院大学法人证书复印件 (加盖公章)

4.  中国科学院大学组织机构代码证复印件 (加盖公章)










外国专家证 (文教类)Foreign Expert Certificate的申请主要分为三种情况:






4.中英文版聘用合同(由主管校领导签字,加盖校公章) 复印件(当场查验原件);



9. 经北京市体检中心认证的健康证明 (北京国际旅行卫生保健中心海淀门诊部,如图)

10. 英语外籍教师,应当持有所在国颁发的教师资格证书;从事语言类教学的,如未持有所在国颁发的教师资格证书,应当取得国际通行的语言教学资格证书。(语言教学资格证书要达到120学时);


1.      Letter of Invitation of applying the Foreign Expert Certificate including the name of the applicants or possible spouse, nationality, passport number, position, work task and working period.

2.      On line application from with the UCAS official seal

3.      Copy of passport ID page and visa page, original copy will be needed for the application.

4.      Copies of both Chinese and English version contract with UCAS, original copy will be needed for the application.

5.      Copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence, original copy will be needed for the application.

6.      Hard copy of passport sized photos against white or light blue background.

7.      Resumes (including study and working experiences with accurate year and month, the working experiences information has to be a continuous one since graduation from University.) in Chinese and English.

8.      Copies of highest-degree diploma and proof of at least 2 years full time working experiences.

9.      Authentication of Physical Examination issued by Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center Haidian clinic

10.  Copies of professional certificate. (English Instructors will have at least 2 years teaching or relative full time working experiences, and English teaching certificate with at least 120 training hours, for example, EFL, ESL, TESOL, TOEFL)










2. 由外籍专家所在国司法部门出具的无犯罪证明原件及复印件(复印件须由专业翻译公司翻译,并加盖公司的公章)

3. 外籍专家证注销证明

All the documents will be needed in the Item I, and the following documents will be also included:

1.      The official recommendation letter or Separation prove issued by the previous employer.

2.      Non-Criminal Record Certificate issued by the relevant Justice department and its translation copy given by a professional translation company.

3.      The Certificate of Deregistration of Foreign Expert Certificate issued by the relevant Foreign Expert Bureau.




1. “外国专家和外籍专业人员推荐信”或离职证明原件

2. 外籍专家证注销证明或外籍专家证原件

3. 如外籍专家原外专证发自国家外国专家局,须提供无犯罪证明原件及复印件。


All the documents will be needed in the Item I, and the following documents will be also included:

1.      The official recommendation letter or Separation prove issued by the previous employer.

2.      The original copy of Foreign Expert Certificate or the Certificate of Deregistration of Foreign Expert Certificate issued by Beijing Foreign Expert Bureau.

3.      Non-Criminal Record Certificate and its translation copy given by a professional translation company will be needed if the Foreign Expert Certificate was issued by the State Foreign Expert Bureau.












1.       Valid passport or other international travel certificates;

2.       2.Valid Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors issued by police station of the temporary residence or hotels in Beijing;

3.       3.Completely filled VISA / STAY PERMIT / RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM with recent half-length, white background, bareheaded, full-faced 2-inch color photo and official seal of the Unit. Please fill in the application form in black ink or sign pen.

4.       The inviting units should register and submit relevant certification in accordance with the law. On the basis of different properties, the inviting units can submit duplicates of enterprise business license with annual inspection, registration certificate for permanent representative institution of foreign (regional) enterprise, legal person certificate of public institution, practicing license for representative institution of foreign law office and permission certificate for running school, etc. The inviting units which include government organs, diplomatic and consular institutions and public colleges and universities can exempt from registering and submitting relevant certification in accordance with the law.

5.       Certifications including employment permit, certification of foreign experts and residence permit for studying and working abroad issued by the competent department of human resources or foreign expert office. Foreigners who participate in recreational and sports activities should submit the performance license, relevant correspondence and list issued by the competent department of culture and sports.

6.       Foreigners who enter into China with non-Z visa should submit certification materials in accordance with the introduction condition and requirement of foreign high-level talents and professional personnel in urgent need of China determined by competent department of Chinese government.

7.       Foreigners who are more than 18 years old and apply for residence permit for the first time should submit health certificate issued by Beijing entry-exit health and quarantine department (or the Beijing international travel health care center).

8.       Other relevant certification documents that the Exit-entry Administration Department consider it necessary to submit.







联 系 人:王经纬 中国科学院大学国际合作处

办公地点:玉泉路校区 留学生公寓 122房间
电 话:010-88256140

传 真:010-88256207