Hand book for working at UCAS (2018) ---2.Work (Z) Visa 工作签证篇

Time table and procedure of applying a Z visa

What you need

Where to go

How long

I外国人来华工作许可通知Work Permit

Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs

5+10 work days

II工作签证 Work (Z) Visa ( Valid only for 30 days )

Chinese embassies and consulates

3-5 work days

III外国人工作许可证Foreign Expert Certificate

Beijing Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs

5 work days

IV居留许可Residence Permit (One year multiple entry visa )

Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Beijing Municipal

10 work days

Work (Z) Visa

We suggest that you apply your Z Visa in the office of where your current residence is located in. Please visit the official website of the Chinese embassy or consulate before you go to apply your Z visa. Usually, you will receive the following documents from us by an express delivery:

1. Work permit

Please keep the scan page of this document, the original copy of this document will be given to the officer from the Chinese embassy or consulate. 


2. Business Licence I from UCAS

3. Business Licence II from UCAS

The Business License I and II will be claimed from the President’s office

We hereby again remind you that please bring all the documents mentioned above that we send to you and visit the official website where you will apply your Z visa to double check that you have all the documents available, or your application will be delayed.

The Z visa in China usually has 30 days validation since you enter the Chinese territory. As long as, you enter in China, you will have to change your Z visa to a residence permit (a multiple entry visa in China) within 30 days. Later, we will let you know how to apply a residence permit in Beijing.



1     外国人工作许可通知 (原件须加盖国际合作处公章,另保存复印件,供申请外国人工作许可使用)

中国科学院大学法人证书复印件 (到党政办申请,加盖公章)

3  中国科学院大学组织机构代码证复印件 (到党政办申请,加盖公章)
